Put Your Feet Up

Poot (2003-07-14)

BORING DAY. I had issues falling asleep last night. I don't even know why. It felt like my neck was twisting to the right, and fold over on itself. Ouchers!

You know what I think is a great word? Poot. I read it in Maskerade, by Terry Practchett...Agnes always says it. She can't curse. However, I can never use poot. Because I DO curse. So I had to read the BIBLE today. All of Genesis, and now Exodus and I have to work on my Paper. Cause I don't know what I'm going to write. I think I might want to work on the first topic, which is something like "blah blah blah, write a dialouge (I dunno if I spelt that right and I'm too lazy to look it up) between Haemon and Antigone using some freaky speech by Thucydides as a reference." What the fuck. How about NO?!?! I don't want to write any stupid diahoweveryouspellit between those idiotic characters. But its easier than the other one which is "something shitty written here, using classical literature to write a speech to motivate powerless people." The prof. told us to only choose the last one if we knew a lot of information about the group of people who are powerless.

Well I'm not about to do any more research than I have to. So no. I will not be doing the second. I wish I could make up my own paper topic. I'd come with something like "Using Plato's Republic as a reference, I will disprove everything Plato says." har har har.

Yay for not believing in anything, and now having to read the bible. Its not like I don't believe in ANYTHING, just the stupid trivial stuff that makes us have wars and divides us in religion is the crap I don't believe. Dum dee dum. One of these days God (if there is a god) will smite me, that or he'll come down and enlighten me. Either will suck.

I have big fingers. I hate my fat fingers. Blah. I feel like a man when I have to buy rings. My mom thinks its because I crack my knuckles. Ah, I say in return, that would just make my knuckles big. But the base of my fingers are fat. Well darn nit, its because I have extra chunk.

That made me think of chunky soup. I like soup.

I sometimes like having extra chunk. It makes me so touchably squishy, and warm to cuddle with. I wonder why some people don't like fat people. What is their answer? "Its disgusting." Why is it disgusting? "ummmm...cause there's stuff hanging and it wiggles." So does your penis/breasts, do you find it/them disgusting? "No!" Why not? It hangs and wiggles and jiggles. "Its not the same!" Oh? Why isn't it the same? "Um....cause it just isn't."

That seems like a REALLY stupid answer since it has no substance to it.

I have substance. Woo.

Mommy, don't make me read the bible, PLease mommy no....MOMMY! PLEASE!!!

Damn bible and its views on women and its non-existant ethnic diversity. I think I'm going to rewrite the bible. Maggie's way. *snicker*

Watch out God! There's a Lobster on the loose!

~The "Maggie-is-a-cool-bitch" lobster

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