Put Your Feet Up

Peanuts (2003-07-14)

I bit the side of my tongue today. But not the front side, but the back right side. I don't even know how I did that. Feels like my entire tongue back there is bruised. Whatever.

Ramen. After this summer if I have to eat one more ramen package, I will kill someone (or something.) I think I pissed off my friend for saying something like "blah blah blah, we're mind twins whee I'm 12." She has this thing going on with one of her friends where they go around and say "we're mind twins." So I poked fun at it and called Beth my mind twin. Oh well. No offense meant, but I guess some was taken.

Ah, the joys of being 19 and acting like you are, indeed, 12. When I was 12 I was a man hating, crazed bitch who wanted to take over the world. The only thing that changed was the "man hating" part. (enter dreamy sigh right here---->.)

I am making a webpage for my friend. Yay for webpags. Tell me what you think: ::click::

I stole the picture from someone elses website, since I thought it was appropriate. I can't spell. Whee-hee. It would be finished, but he hasn't given me stuff to put on it yet, cept the parts that you can see. I think that on the "threshold" page the history link works, the description link works and the home link works. I'm such a nerd.

Nerd to the point where I went myself to find out how to make animated gifs. So now my AIM buddyicon is this:

I hate the word "buddyicon," and if its two words, eat me. It makes me sound like I'm 5. "hoo hoo hoo, look at me, I changed my BUDDYICON." Imagine your 35(unless you actually are >35, then sorry) and you're talking to your brother or something. And he goes "hey, what a swell BUDDYICON." If I were you I'd either want to make fun of him for saying it or shoot him in the face. It should just be called "aim icon" or how about "icon?" Icon is good enough for me.

I drank a gallon of Diet Green Tea today. That's a lot of tea! That's a lot of peeing too.

I have yet to look at my paper topic. Oh please let this one be easy. Just looking at it (and I've describe it last entry so I won't do it again) makes me want to shrivel up into a little hole and die. Not die, I'd be upset if I had to die. Let me change that. "It makes me want to shrivel up into a little hole and sleep there for a week, then leaving my hole and going to an obscenely(spell check please) large jar with holes at the top and become someone's labortory(again, check) experiement."

It pisses me off how I can't spell. And I'm too goddamn lazy to go check my spelling at like, dictionary.com. Blah! Wow, that was close, my pinky on the left hand hit the control key, I pressed back, I some how ended up at "leave iratelobster a note." phew.



~Queen Maggie of the Lobsters

Fuck you.

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