Put Your Feet Up

Idiot (2003-07-14)

Oh the joys of being 19. I've said that already today. Three diary entries!! This is how you can tell my life is just completely and utterly boring.

I've come to the conclusion (uh oh...) that people have a tendency to take their age, divide it in half, subtract three years and that is the age of their "inner person." And slowly as the years wear on, a year is added to the "inner person's" life. So that- I'm now 19(we'll round up to 20 so that my genius math brain isn't strained), my inner person [if I was irrational all the time], will act like...((20/2)-3) seven. EVERYONE is like that. And don't try to tell me you're not ;)

However, there are some people who don't go through this process. Well they do but its not as bad. Its like, taking your age, dividing it in half but adding 3 years to it. So that'll make a 20 year old...((20/2)+3) 13. This happens to most people...

And there are even SOME people who are their age, but who act their age divided in half and add 5 years to it. That would be...15. The gross, insane tendencies of a 15 year old mixed in with some adult like thoughts.

Lots of people fall between these two categories. Now that I'm older (19) I'm leaning more towards the last section. But there are some others that cling to the middle section, like its the last piece of turkey bacon and they are going on a meatless crazed diet tomorrow.

Now I'm going to be a complete and utter nerd. HUGE NERD, written all over my face. *teacher voice* Lets now compare these sections (we'll call them A, B, and C respectively) to Plato's allagory to the "cave." Now we all "ooo." ready? 1....2....3...


Lets say that the "cave" represents section A. This really sucks for section A because they have no concept of maturity at all. None. Zilch. And people in section B have been taught, and so they are like "Okay...cool. We can be immature losers but still make our way to adult hood." So the passage through section B is like the road to the surface of the cave. And now Section C is on the surface, blindly looking at stuff. They'd all be like "Wow, dude. We can still think we know everything and demand to be treated more like adults, now that we've abandoned middleschool!" And well, there is a Section D, but unless you're the proper age it'll completely blind you. We'll call that section the "SUN."

So now I feel that I am in Section C. And it is my job, as someone who has made the journey up from Section A, to go down and help people from Section A and B to see that there is more to immaturity than preteen parites and games! But sometimes the road is tough, and the Sections like where they are because they are comfortable in their cave.

But all is not lost for those of us who are in Section A and Section B. And I'll repeat what I said before, You can move from section to section just by getting older. Just sometimes you need a little ::push::

Phew. Engouh about Plato. So, where does this all fit in with me?

Well I understand that I've got issues. Though I consider myself to be in Section C, all "section-cer's" have tendencies to slip back to our roots. But not all the time, people.

I've entered into college years. But crap from high school and before still remains in people my age. And I "totally" (And I use that term to relate to my peoples) understand that I am a "brassy," bitchy, totally void of any feelings, slime ridden snot...most of the time. But I do have moments of calm, fluid thought- where I can share my insight.


Enough. I'm tired of stupid dribble that comes out of my mouth at 11. Where are my lobster fiends, my ravishing minions? Hehehe.

I'm a pyscho-bitch, but at least I'm a cute one.

~Maggie, new patient in the Lobster ward.

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