Put Your Feet Up

god's angry (2003-07-15)

This is the stupidest message I've ever read, and the person who made it should be shot in the face.

Sure, you can go on believing that you want to save sex for marriage, that's fine. But to say that safe sex is marriage, that is kinda implying that you can't have sex at all because it isn't safe. Sex with condoms isn't safe? Is there something I'm missing here? Rubber objects don't let stuff go through them. Sorry folks. If you get pregnant from using the comdom there are multiple reasons:

1)You're a dumbass and you put it on wrong

2)You were rocking the boat too hard, and it broke. Which is understandable.

3)Your friend poked a hole in the package and you used it anyway.

The poster should have read "god prefers this method of safe sex, and only if you want kids. Really God will let you use birth control and condoms if you really want to. " That's a poster I could really go for.


We talked about the bible in class today and I was down everyone's throat for being idiots and thinking that God was perfect. Folks, he isn't perfect if he created something to tempt. And he's not perfect in creating evil...since he(and I use he because that's what people refer to IT as...) supposedly created angels. And satan is apparantly an angel that has fallen. So if he created everything, he created evil. Which in turn means that god isn't perfect.


Though you can go ahead and believe what you want. All I wanted to do in class is to question peoples beliefs. Not to be like "you're all stupid idiots," even though I think that, but to get their mental juices flowing. That sounds so dirty. I don't like people who dont' question and just accept.

Speaking of dirty. I cannot write that stupid pornography story. It is so hard! (No pun intended.) It makes me feel so unclean when I write stuff like "member" and "wet."

Well not just the word wet, but you know. In the context of a porn story "wet" is a very dirty word.

wet wet wet wet wet wet wet

har har har.

I'm hungry. But I don't want to eat anymore of the yummy stuff I have, since its all carbohydrates. Yay for spelling. Anyway, not like I don't like carbs, but I'm going put on the poundage. Mmmmm, poundage. Makes me think of pound cake.

Which is a carb..


BLAH. I haven't had protein since saturday and I hope I get some soon. I'm going insane without meat.

That can be interpreted in anyway you wish.

I'm going to go make me some food...cause that's what I can do. La!

~And it came to pass that in time the Great God spake unto Maggie, the Lobster, the Chosen One: "fucker"

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