Put Your Feet Up

Satisfied? (2003-07-13)

Oh my. I went to bed at 2 in the morning. So happy to see my boyfriend. So happy. Beth and Kevin also came over. Woo woo. I didn't write in the porn story. I didn't have time. I was too busy, um, learning the trick of porn. ha ha.

Kevin was talking to his friend and mentioned I had no money and I've been eating nothing but Ramen. Well! He came to me with two full bags of just stuff from this girl. I don't even know her! But that means that I have food. mmm. There was a plethora(?) of poptarts, cans of mandrin oranges, mac and cheese, jello, this can of tomato soup, peanut butter, this chicken stuff in a can, and instant cups of soup. Oh, and one bag of popcorn. MmmmMmMmMmMmMmM.

Yawn. I'm tired. But for some reason I can't sleep past 10am. Well I can, but its extremely rare.

So the coconut/pineapple lube (I thought it was just coconut, but I was wrong...) is actually quite good. *cough* Sugary. ^_^

I never used to be like this. Never. Well once in a while. But it has gotten worse since I've been at college. I have "horny" written all of my face. But why? I shouldn't be. I have Sean. But nope! I just want him all the freakin time. Rah.

It was rather sweet, whenever Kevin (he was our DJ) played "Come what may" (that song from Moulin Rouge), Sean would sing it to me. So sweet. I know that I'm being VERY tipical but folks, I don't care. So much crap goes through my mind when he sings or strokes my hair. AL;KGHlhglasdhglashkgdla,shngo.

I tell him I hate him. And I do. I hate him so much I love him.

CHEESY. I'M SO CHEESY. LA LA LA LA. I hate being like this. Argh, inner conflict!!!

I have to read the bible today. Woo. Here I come, Genesis! Why? I don't want to. Oh look, its John from my humanities class. I can see him from my window. That boy is nice...but way scary. He seems billions of years old, and he always copies (and talks) to this girl who really thinks she's hot shit. Not really hot, but is egotistical cause she thinks she's sooooo smart. Blah blah blah.

My side has sharp pain. I wonder if my appendix is on crack. Yay!!!

Time to brush my teeth and drink soda all day long.

~Maggie, Queen of the Lobsters

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