Put Your Feet Up

hair hair hair (2003-07-12)

I'm chilly. Dum dee dum. I feel like a whore for no apparant reason. My friend Zena (I may have mentioned her in the former "blizzardduck" chronicles) told me that because I'm writing (or attempting to) a sexy story that means I'm horny.

How about no?

I mean, sure. Sex is good. But I'm not horny. If I was horny, I'd be getting laid right now.


People are coming over to my dorm in about a half hour/hour. Kevin, Beth and maybe (Hopefully) Sean. They are so nice, they are gonna treat me to FOOD! Look over there ---------------> Do you have a buck that you don't care about? Give it to me! I'll use it for something good. I promise.

I should really put some clothes on. I think that's why I'm cold. Duh, aren't I Queen of the Obvious. Crap, my roomate and her parents are back. I need to put on clothes. Brb....

Okay. Yay for clothes. I have to clean my room cause (pretend I'm singning) people....arrrrre coming OVER....yeah!

I guess I have to write more in the PORN STORY. hehe. And I have to read the bible for monday. Bible and porn....just like snake and mongoose kinda. Nothing going on in my mind...cept how I think my hair is going insane. Biting people and stuff. Not cool.

~Hairless Lobster, Maggie

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