Put Your Feet Up

incest (2003-07-16)

I should be writing my paper. But I can't. Too much going on.

I went to wegmans today with Beth. Har har har, I couldn't pay with a check because I wasn't certified, so I had to come back to Ontario, get my drivers liscense and my wegmans card. Called the dad, got him to put money in my account so I could finally buy protien. Daddy's little girl, I am. Yay for protien. Pork and beef. Mmmmm.

So we ate like horses. We ate...potato skins, chicken wings, pulled pork, and two donuts each. Where's the button? DAMN RIGHT WHERE'S THE BUTTON!

That was an inside joke. I'll explain very quickly: One day Beth came down from Rochester and we went to Deny's. It was the end of the week(friday) and I hadn't to eat since sunday. And I ate so much that I said "ohhh, where's the button?" and Beth said "what button?" and I said "the button on my pants so I can let my fat gut relax." As grotesque as that sounds.

So. That's what I mean by "where's the button." No question mark, because its a statement now, not a question.

In this diary entry I have to address these subjects: Ohio, How adding someone to a duo brings problems in personality, threats and controls, assuming things, incest, exploding donuts, reading porn and how my breast hurts while reading it.

Lots of things to talk about. ;P

So. I'm sorry to have ratted on Ohio. I was just a little pissed at having to go see a family I didn't know... and because my mom had brought it up I remembered things from Ohio that I just didn't want to think about. Stuff that happened last year. We don't need to go into that and when I have enough time we'll talk. Just wanted to apologize!

Now, on the subject of adding a person to a pre-existing duo. Believe me, it can work in some cases. But sometimes, people change according to the people they're with, like a camelleon(?). People, from my experience- and I don't have any really so this is just a blind stab..., change when they are around people because they are unsure who they are. Or they become uncomfortable with who they've defined as their person. Weird and complicated as that sounds. And these people will tell make sure they don't understand what you're talking about if you bring it up. Pisses me off that I've never brought it up anybody, but I've gotten pretty close. So maybe I have had some experience. Or maybe its my mind playing tricks on me. Who knows.

This wouldn't be the first time someone thought of me as a threat. I recieved a tip from back home Laura that her other friend (I honestly forget her name because she's not important to me, I think its like Patricia or Paula...I dunno.) finds me a threat. This chick thinks that I'm gonna steal Laura from underneath her nose. Or maybe she's afraid that Laura actually might have a mind of her own and she can't control her. Freaks. You're not supposed to control your friends anyway. And controlling someone is as goes as follows: You believe anything they say, you bow down to their every wish, you do anything they want at any time, you give them full access to anything they want of yours without a doubt in your mind. That sounds like a pretty reasonable thought of what control is.

Sound like friendship? I don't think so! And anything based on it is just pure crap. Some people need it. I know I don't!

Incest? Ew. I have problems with marrying your first cousin. I have problems thinking your dad or your brother is cute. And I've had strange people tell me that. One girl in my high school gym class asked "has anyone ever made out with their brother?" Sounds like a weird question, cept we were playing "have you ever" which means the person standing in the middle of the circle has to ask something to the crowd that THEY'VE DONE...meaning this girl has made out with her brother. That's like....wanting to date your dad or (as the bible puts it) lie with him. And actually in the bible a couple girls actually do lie with their dad (after getting him drunk.) Blech. I randomly remembered that when I was talking to this girl from high school when she was telling me a classic story where the two dating are really brother and sister but they don't know it. Yuck.

I went to eat my donut, and it exploded white powder all over my face. I thought it was funny, and I decided to share it with you.

And finally porn. I was reading my friend Drew's porn that he sent me (I had to make sure that it was good enough to "publish."). Oh my goodness...does it need editing. It has good merit, but just that encounter could have so much more sex. And as I was telling this to Beth, my right breast started to hurt sooooo much. Then it stopped, just as soon as it began. Yay for weird boobage problems.

Ssss o. Its time for me to write about Antigone and crap before I get into trouble and have to stay up till 4 writing it. Yay for that :]

~Jester of the royal Maggie, Maggie.

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