Put Your Feet Up

cheese (2003-07-17)

bootylicious vinyl, boogie!

Love zebra head!


So I handed in my paper this morning. A little short, but that's okay. I hope I get a great grade on it. I better. I'll fuck the teacher up if I don't! Grrrr....

Anyway I said yesterday that I was going to write about assuming things and I didn't do it. So here I go: I think that assuming things is very dangerous. I think when you attack someone, or at least tell someone they're wrong or that you won't believe them then you gotta have proof. And I'm not talking about "well she said, he said." Cause that isn't proof. Regardless if you trust them a lot or not. Get documented proof, people :) I could have learned from this soooo many times. I now keep records of everything people say that I think they might want to hear in the future when they deny something. I can be like "Oh? Nope, here it is. You said it, right here."

I'm guilty of assuming things. Everyone is. And I guess the only way to deal with this is think before you speak and ask "am I being irrational cause I don't got no proof?" hehe ;)

Yay. I love coldplay. When I get back to Port Washington I have to make my collection bigger. They remind me of Travis. I love Travis. And if my web browser was working I'd make you click all crazy links to go and see them and see their lyrics and crap.

I hate my computer. Its acting like its had a good dosage of LSD. Google decided to go beserk and not show me any of the things I asked for. And I get random things that pop up saying "error:000000000010000, cannot find fucker.dll" or something like that. And I can't open folders for the longest time cause my computer freezes. YAY FOR HAVING A SHITTY COMPUTER. I do have 20gb. That is basically the only thing that makes me happy.

So I ate Doritos today. Mmmmm.

I love doritos. They make me salivate. Salivate in anticipation of their cheese-godliness. They had a sale at wegmans..two bags for FOUR dollars. I was so excited. Four dollars, for two large bags of my favorite type of chip. So of course I had to buy them. But I bought protien. This was discussed in yesterday's (or one of them) diary. And now I got the chills.

There isn't anything to do. My reading load is light, and I don't have a paper till next tuesday. Though I do have a test also next thursday, but who cares. Its on Hebrew Scriptures and I'm pretty sure I can barge my way through it. Hopefully.

Oh, and even if I wanted to study (I had forgotten this) some chick wanted to borrow my notebooks cause she fell asleep in class. What a good person I am. Rah.

I need to take a shower and wash all this fake cheese powder off.

~Cheesey Goodness.

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