Put Your Feet Up

AAAH (2003-09-04)

Moses says: Chocolate isn't just a taste. It's a feeling.

Isn't that true. I ate so much today. Mmm. Pizza, wings, chocolate, pop tarts, a sub, pepperoni and some cheese. Gosh. No WONDER I don't lose weight. Har har.

So I ran for hall council again. Because I'm smart. I don't know why I even bother. I usually forget about the meetings. Though I'm the historian, so it isn't a terrible thing. I get to take pictures and update the Wyoming Website! COOL!

I wonder when I'm going to have to pay another couple bucks for this gold membership thing. I REALLY need to do this diaryland site. Blargh. Okay okay, I'll do it. I PROMISE myself that the site will be done by tomorrow. Evening. I have a spanish presentation as well as spanish hw to do, calc to study for and Ethnology to read. How fun.

I have developed a cankersore on the inside of my lip. And it hurts. AHHHH. And my feet are getting really bad. I need to go to a podiatrist(???) because my skin is being all funky. And I have this red bump on my head. Kinda reminds me of a bug bite crossed with a pimple. I'M FALLING APART. well not really. I'm just beginning to break and grow weird stuff on my body. But that's the same thin isn't it?

I have to keep reminding myself to take my birthcontrol pills. Actually, I need to remind myself everything. I open the web browser and what's the first site I see? Diaryland. But does that make me stop and write? No. But I think about it. But the thought usually goes like this:

I really should write in Diaryland.
But I was going to do something else.
Hmmm...why did I open my Web browser?
I guess I'll just have to go play Threshold instead.
I have become such an addict of this game. I can't stop. I need to write down my schedule from now on. Get up, go to class, come home, do homework, write in diary, play on threshold. Inserting (going to class) in spots that I need to do.

My head hurts. Maybe its because of this bump. Or maybe its because I'm thinking to hard and I need to sleep. Or maybe its because I'm not eating healthy.

Okeeeeee, that's it. No more bad food. I've gotta stop sometime. Whee hee. This'll be interesting and give me something to talk about rather than my shitty day. Thinking about ways to kill my suitemates aren't that important anymore. And neither are thinking about ways to kill my professors. 'Specially because some of them are neat-o. NEAT-O.

I have to check my yahoo mail eventually. I know there is stuff from people I know. But I don't want to read it. What if they're yelling at me? Actually, I'll be all like "fuck you. Stupid asshole." And then it'll be the end, feel intimidated by me, and run away. screaming. like little children.

I just realize that I didn't capitalize my setences just up there. I also realize that its funny that I decided to tell you and not fix them so you'd never know that I have grammar issues.

I don't know. I tend to think that my grammar is pulled out of my butt. And I also like to think that it works. Which sometimes it does.

Favorite punctuation: the comma.

The comma has to be the greatest thing known to grammar. Commas are just cool. Though they are one of the most misused punctuation marks. Next to the semicolon. I'll never know how to use the semicolon. Ever. But, I like commas, since I use it when ever I breathe, like, you know.

That was an excessive use of commas. I NEED TO GO TO BED. BAAAAAH.

But its like, the gates have been open in my mind once again. I get to write about senseless things. I also cannot spell. which is fine at the moment. Because at this particular time, I don't care. Words are flying from my fingertips and I can't stop them. Even if I write things like "I NEED TO GO TO BED." nu uh. dun work.

I've got this box of dove soap sitting on my desk. It smells good. I dunno. My suitemates all bought pump soap. What ever happened to the old fashion soap? Why did we go to liquid? Liquid is fine for dishes, but when you're in a fancy house doesn't a nice looking bar of soap seem so much....classier than a pump bottle of soap? Especially because bars of soap can smell extrodinarily well. I can't spell. But don't shoot me. Not yet at least.

Ducks. I really like ducks. You must think I'm on some type of drug. I'm being so random. Its good to be my old self again. Well anyway, ducks. I love ducks. I think I'm going to become more aligned with my inner duck. And I advise you all to do that too. We all have inner ducks. Maybe. What exactly is an inner duck? Maybe...someone who is playfl, and exciting, cute, fluffy, quacky (pun intended), and silly. I don't know if ducks are smart, I've never given them an IQ test. But most animals are smart in their own respect. Maybe not worms. Worms are just...worms? Yes, that seems like a good definition of worms. Okay. I need to sleep. I've a 9:55am class tomorrow and I'm waken up at 7:30 so I can get me books. Bwahaha!


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