Put Your Feet Up

aaaaaaaaargh (2003-07-23)

Moses says:Personal isn't the same as important. People just think it is.

Okay great. So not many of you know my situation with "the car." I want a car. And my dad told me that if I lose 50 pounds I can get one. Well that's fine and dandy, I only have like 30 pounds left to go. But now my mom sent me an email where she had hit a pot hole, and the engine rod things broke. So that means our Engine died. It'll cost us 1100 to get a new engine. And my mom doesn't have that money.

So she says: How long will it take you to lose that weight? I need a car.

Well!!! Its MY car if I lose the weight and she wants to keep it down in Port Washington. So what is the point of me to get the car now? Just to lose 30 more pounds? Sure that'll work but I can't lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks. No way. So you know what she tells me to do?

Starve myself. um....WHAT?!?! I like food too much to starve myself. The only other option I have to lose that much weight is to turn to bulimia. And I hate throwing up because it scares me and I've seen enough horror stories to stay away from that.

Well really I have 3 1/2 weeks. But come on. That's ten pounds a week.

What should I do?

I hate these situations because the answer is so clear: Don't starve yourself and don't become bulimic. But the answers are scewed now with this burden of my mom not having anyway to drive around and get places.

No more mac and cheese. No more food. Its a pity that all I have to eat in this god-forsaken place is carbohydrates because that's the only thing that won't go bad.

No pop, no mac and cheese, no ramen, no bread. This is going to suck monkey balls.

And now I'm off to do whatever since I have a test to study for.....argh.

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