Put Your Feet Up

Pockets. (2003-09-06)

Moses says: No matter how old you are, you are NEVER to old to go trick or treating.

I bought my halloween costume today. I know its early, but I am planning a party with my suitemates and the RA and I didn't want to be hasseled with any last minute mess up costumes. I am wearing a TOGA! Toga toga toga! Fun, right? Yes. It is fun.

I went to Henrietta with Beth today so that we could eat dinner with our friend Kevin. It was great! We went to this place called Jack Astors, and its all crazy and stuff and I drew on the tables and made a fool of myself doing a whole hosts of things which include, but not limited to:

1. Falling off the chair

2. Eating a sour lime

3. Pushing Beths hand into a plate of kethcup and salt

4. Not being able to divide a check between three people, regardless if I take calculas or not.

It was great food, but I'm a bit ill since I'm not used to fried foods and that's basically what we all had at some point. Good food, but dangerously fried.

I hate lots of people. Some people just, do things that are stupid and never think twice about them. Stupid people I hate fall under the category of "Hi, I'm immature." Most people I don't like are completely immature. Others, well, there are other reasons of course. But those are hefty and we shouldn't get into them. Actually, I WILL get into them. Before I go off on the immature people I hate, let me stop to point off another caste of people who piss me off.

I like to call them "sarah." (Thanks to that lovely song, by Eddie from Ohio, "One thousand Sarahs."

The song gives a pretty good description of what 'sarah' is like, so here it is: Sarah's about 5 foot and she's built like an Amazon woman. All the boys think she's pretty, and all the girls think she dresses so well, and all the teachers think she's the smartest in class.

Sound like anyone you know? I hate perfect people. Well no. I don't hate perfect people, but I hate people who think they are perfect. They bother me to know end...'specially when they feel that they are better than you. Argh, that makes me want to bite their heads off. Anyway, back to stupid people who I hate.

So anyway, I hate stupid people. Ignorant, Immature morons. And I know that some of you are saying "but you're being immature for keep bringing it up." Huff huff huff. I can bring it up if I want to. It's my diary. Nah!

I actually have no stories concerning these types of people anymore, cause I don't associate myself with them. Or at least I try not to anymore. Its hard. Especially when you run into them randomly.

There was something else I wanted to say about something that pissed me off, but I'm too tired to remember it. So I'll just leave you with this:

I sure drink a lot of Faygo soda.

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