Put Your Feet Up

Dying in Montauk (2003-08-19)

ARRRRRRRGH!!!! Today my father is taking seksi me and my stupid loser brother to Montauk, the place at the end of Long Island.

I don't want to go. I hate sand. I hate salty water. Actually, I don't mind them. But I mind them in anyplace that isn't the Carribean because I'm a stupid snob like that.

I went to my friends Gradutation party the other day. Fun. I curled my hair, and I probably said this before- shirly temple on crack. Anyway there wasn't anyone there. I mean, yes, people were there, but they were holding it this hall and they had a DJ and stuff...for roughly 50 people, half being adults. So me and my other two older friends just sat there watching the people who had just graduated dance on the dance floor thinking it was dumb. We did dance...but only to the "good" songs, (the only good songs being) The electric slide, some swing songs, the hokey pokey (which I requested), the chicken dance, some grease medley thing, and build me up butter cup. The rest were rap-like stupid songs.

There was this skanky girl there. She wore (at a predominatly femalegraduation party) a tight too-short gray skirt thing with a silver belt chain thing. She had on this pink top and an over shirt of red and black. And her shoes were freaky. all strappy like. And she danced like a hoe and the DJ guys were all watching her. It was gross.

Bugger. My dad is coming to pick me up now. LKSADHGSLAH. I don't wanna gooooo, NOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAH DON'T MAKE ME. Sorry, that was a relapse into 2 year old poopy diaper mode. <-and that was gross.

I'm the tits. Ask dinguspie.

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