Put Your Feet Up

Blackout! (2003-08-16)

So my hair was curled the other day. I looked like a shirly temple who loved her animal cracks too much, and who also loved her drugs too much. I was special.

Went to one of my junior friend's/pseudo-senior going to college friend's graduation party. She can never be a senior. Because when I left high school she was a junior. She will die being a junior in my eyes.

The night of the black out was fun. I know I'm not going in proper order- BUT- its funny and I don't want to lose the story. Justin, my great friend from Port and Chris, my ex-boyfriend who is just....weird...came over to my house randomly. Then Chris asked me to invite my best friend Laura over. Peachy. She walked over, three blocks with no light cept for a flash light, with two party games...to play in the dark apparantly. Then the boys decided that we should go to the Sands Point Preserve because it was the only time on Long Island we'd be able to see stars. And I guess the Sands Point Preserve, since its shrouded in complete and utter darkness, was the best place to see them. So we decide that we're going to walk, me in my flipflops and pjs, to this place. Its far, but we figure that there isn't anything else to do. But we need more flashlights, and I don't have any. But Laura, being wonderful Laura, said "I have flashlights!" So we were going to walk to Laura's house first.

We begin to walk to Laura's house and what do the boys do? They run away. Now me and Laura are smart girls and we figure they are going to jump out at us and scare us half out of our pants. Which they would have liked. We kept walking very catiously, shining the flash light around. But there was no sign of them. So we just ended up walking to her house, just the two of us. And we were going to just stay there, but the boys finally came by and said they couldn't find us after they pretended to ditch us. How nice. So we got industrial sized flashlights, and began to walk from Laura's house to the Sands Point Preserve. (which is farther away than mine) We were walking, being nerds and stuff, and before you know it we had gotten to the Post office. You people might not know where that is, but in 90 degree heat, its a feat for four teenagers, one in flipflops. No sooner had we started to decend into this area (An area with skeevy people and no lights...) the whistles started to come. Cept it was periodically and from a couple of guys behind us. All we could make out was that they were wearing a white t-shirt and carrying a flash light. The darkness and the catcalls were enough to send me over the edge and into the land of freaking out and Laura was nervous to. The boys thought it was stupid...until it seemed that the people had been following us for 20 minutes and were getting closer.

Now the boys told us girls to turn off our flashlights and don't run. Well....what?! If you're getting catcalled at 10pm in some skeevy area where some stupid peopel are catching up to you...you god damn want to run. And...you want to god damn see where you're going!! So we get to this road and the boys say "Okay run!!" So we start to run and finally we all ccome together and me and laura are a little skittish...but that's okay. Then my foot and Chris' foot collide, and my toe nail breaks in half. And its all bloody and gross and I'm in pain. And I'm 30 minutes by foot away from my house. But the pain is so bad that I latch on to Justin for a block or so, until we see this house that has a party going on. And he calls out "Hey! We have someone with a broken toenail, do you have a band aid and a wet cloth?" And the girl was like "oh yea! come on over."

Drunk people everywhere. But I get my wet cloth and my HUGE band aid. And we continue out walk, now in the opposite direction of where the preserve was. The boys were hungry and thought that if we went to King Kullens- it should be open. It was, but boy. It didn't seem to make a different. Everything was hot, and gross. So then they asked if me and Laura if we wanted to continue to the Sands Point preserve. Um No. So we began the hike back up two huge hills to get BACK to Laura's house. Since she was so nice and offered us all a ride home. I crawled into my house and crawled up two flights of stairs in the dark and collapsed on my couch.

I never did see the stars.

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