Put Your Feet Up

Freaky Dream #3 (2003-08-09)

Moses says: Aren't you paying attention!? Be sure to check out the other freaky dreams at the bottom of the page!

Freak Dream #3

Last night I had this dream:

I was working as a prositute(?-there must be one more t in there) and I was moved from one brothel to another. Josh came to Visit and was all over me. But I knew I had a boyfriend, so I just kept trying to ease his horniness down. But he took this balloon that was hanging on a door handel and popped it, saying he was going to use it for a condom. And it was one of those big loooong ballonos- the ones you can use to make balloon animals. And then this guy came in and said "Lets go fishing." So me,this guy who looked like Marc Anthony and Hannah/Jessica(they kept switching) went fishing at this pond. When we got to the pond he told me that the fishing was really good but the best prize would be to catch an alligator. And he told me that there was on Alligator that looked like a T-Rex and it was the hardest to catch.

So we're fishing and I get the first Alligator. And he dives under the water and sufficates it for me (so that it would stop thrashing about I guess) and he threw it in the back of the truck. (A pick up truck/SUV) And then Jessica caught one and as he was doing the same he did for her, this HUGE T-Rex started to come after me. It was getting really close, but I swam as fast as I could (because I wasn't in a boat apparantly) to the other side and I got into the truck. I started yelling for Jessica and she ran up with her alligator and threw it into the back of the truck. Then we were both yelling for this dude who looked like Marc Anthony to get in, but he yelled that he was going to catch the T-Rex if it was the last thing he'd do.

I wanted to get out and help him, but he told me to get out of there. And he wouldn't let me get any closer and kept screaming at me to leave. So I finally left but I was all scared and crying because I thought he was going to get killed. And we stopped at this place (I won't go into great details- its just a place in my town) to discuss what we wanted to do. A couple of police drove by and stopped and Me and Jessica (who was now Hannah) decided we'd tell the cops. But the cops wouldn't help because they said they were REALLY busy, but that we should go back and not stay away because we were scared.

So Hannah and I drove back to the pond and we couldn't see anything or anybody. So we jumped out of the truck and walked slowly down to the pond and saw this HUGE T-Rex, dead, lying on its side. But next to it was the Marc Anthony guy, really badly wounded. So we grabbed him and dragged him to the car and started to drive to the Hospital.

But as we were going there, he grabbed my hand and said he was sorry he didn't listen to me. Then he squeeze it...and then he died.

It was a very strange Dream.

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