Put Your Feet Up

Freaky Dream #2 (2003-08-09)

Moses says: Always look to see if the queen lobster has added many new entries in the span of 2 minutes.

Freak Dream #2

This dream happened a day ago:

I was in Geneseo, and everyone was flipping out and shit. They were packing and ready to run away. And I asked these people what was going on, and they told me that (I kid you not) the Hornet people were coming. I found out that they not only wanted to kill everyone in Geneseo, they wanted to destroy the entire town. So I got onto this huge tractor trailer and we started to drive to Boston. Well we got lost and a couple of other people who had jumped into the haul(?- that might not even be the right word. Lalala) started telling the driver to go the wrong way. And we ended up in some industrail part of Geneseo and the Hornet people saw us and came over and tried to kill us.

But we escaped, and I was thrown into the future Geneseo- Where all the surviving humans were locked in this tower. And I was really hungry and went to the cafeteria and the cafeteria lady was really mean and wouldn't give me mashed potatos. I think they were mashed potatos. Anyway I said "I have to get out of here!" And people thought I was crazy. So I snuck out and went to this pierf, and I stole this big cruise ship. And I killed the hornets that were on board, and I began to drive this monster ship around, trying to get away.

Somehow I ended up in Paris. The boat was now on a trailer type thing, and I was pulling it through Paris, looking for the English Channel. And I got to the Parisian Train Station and there was this guy who was trying to steal my ship!! He had a hammer and he could hit nails super hard and they'd be flung at things. And he began to hammer nails at me. So I ran around the corner and saw the English Channel and made a mad dash.

This is why you never eat freaky foods before you go to sleep.

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