Put Your Feet Up

Porn? (2003-07-11)

So I'm talkin to Drew yesterday, and I say "I'm going to make a porno." And he's all like "staring me?" and I say "yea okay, why not."

Blizzardduck.diaryland.com has now become a porn-story site only about the mythical Drew. All you lucky elligble ladies and see Drew's profile once its up and running on mine (now techincally his) angelfire site. (find it on the table thing, and if you can't your stupid and shouldn't be here.)

I don't know if I'm any good at writing porn. This is going to be weird. I'll be all.....blushy and stuff and flustered. Dirty words don't sit well in my stomach. But I figure that if I can design a website, I can very much well write porn. And be somewhat good at it. Honestly, who can write really BAD porn? Even "Shirely fucked John" isn't THAT bad.

Well, maybe it is.

But that's besides the point. Lusty, erotic words, <-like those...., work. Maybe.

So people give me help! What should his scenes include? I'm clueless. Really. I'm not kinky but I guess I could try.


I ate chicken rice for dinner and it tasted like gerbil pellets. Not like I would know what gerbil pellets tasted like. Well I did eat one once, but only on a dare...and another time because I couldn't remember the taste. Mmm. Chicken.

That was a waving chicken.

I kinda cleaned up my room...though my sexy lacey-lingere-thing and my thigh high stockings are plopped on my bed. Hehe, I showed Sean today what the looked like.

And I DON'T mean that I had it on. I just held the lace up to the webcam. I promise. I'm a good girl. I just have really bad thoughts...*whistle*

Now its time for bed. Yay for sleep. And I don't have to wake up tomorrow for my class cause guess what!? I DON'T HAVE IT. woo woo...if you could see me now I'm dancing!!

~Imperious Princess of the Night, Queen Bee Maggie

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