Put Your Feet Up

lobster whore (2003-07-11)

So my friend Tom has asked me to make his website. And of course, I say yes. Yay for making websites for people! Maybe his friends and stuff will want me to do something for them...and soon I can start charging and making lots of money!! Yahoo!! Money Money Money. MONEY.

Today has been such a lazy day. Lazy lazy day. I've done nothing but mess with websites and sleep all day long. And eat. And go to the bathroom. I have this bump on my ear that is just now getting larger. I think it needs to be taken away. SPEAKING OF TAKEN AWAY, I think I want to take my tonsuls out (or however you spell them.) I want them gone. I wonder if I can go up to a doctor and be like "hey, take my tonsuls out of my mouth please. right now would be the best time." Or do they have to stay in unless they become inflamed.

I like smooth strawberry ice cream.

I don't know where that came from. I think my thought proccess went like this: Tonsuls, parents used to trick their kids that they were going to a slumber party and were going to go eats lots of ice cream, kid falls for trick, goes to doctor to get tonsuls removed, what type of ice cream would they have, I like chocolate chip, you can't have chocolate chip because the chips would hurt your newly carved up throat, maybe they have strawberry ice cream that's smooth without real strawberries, I like smooth strawberry ice cream.

And all this can happen in a second. I love my mind.

I've eaten so much today! Lets see....ramen, a poptart, mac and cheese. That's a lot for it being only 5:30.

5:30!?!?!?!? ALREADY!?!?! Sheesh, where time goes. Tomorrow though Beth and Kevin are coming over, so the faster time flies, the faster tomorrow will come. Which is funny because you can't speed time up. So no matter what I say tomorrow will come at the god damn speed it wants to.


I need to hit someone. I am in a very violent mood.


~Maggie the Lobster whore

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