Put Your Feet Up

bitch (2004-02-01)

So this is a new beginning. I've had it up to here (meaning my head) with people. What is up in the life of Maggie now?

I'm actually doing well this semester. I should hope so anyway. I'm going to declare a history major at the end of this year (acedemic year). Wonderful. Now on with the good stuff...

I'm still with my boy, almost a year now. The problems with his parents still exist. For some reason more now than ever. They treat him like shit. They open his mail, they take his pay checks and so on. But what I realized was that it wasn't his father but more his mother. The reasons to why she doesn't like me are still being debated. I'm still open for any suggestions.

I've found out that living with someone who you don't intially(?) get along with might be a problem. I want to shoot my current roomate in the face. She changes her feminine hygiene (I have no clue how to spell fancy words like that) with the bathroom door open, she "hmms" and sighs constantly, she chews with her mouth open, she leaves the light on all the time, she keeps the door open while I'm sleeping and then she has the nerve to say that she can't stand living with me because I don't talk to her. No shit sherlock. I don't talk to you because I don't like you. So fuck off.

Then I have a suitemate who is just incredibly bitchy. I don't understand why she's like that. For instance, today I was making a cake with my boyfriend and it's really complicated. 6 layers, frosting, chocolate stuff on it- the whole nine yards. Well, we're cutting a layer off the cake and I simply put it on the seat next to me. And she comes out and says "OMG. That's disgusting, I won't eat your cake."

This may sound like nothing, but I had set it down for 2.5 seconds and Me and Sean had slaved over that cake for 3 hours. And we weren't finished. So I snap back at her that it's no big deal and that if she had just asked me nicey to remove the cake from the seat I would have. She didn't need to make a big deal out of something so small. So then she gets all attitudey(yes I can spell) and huffs and puffs how it's still gross and that I shouldn't have done it in the first place. Well excuse me. It's a stupid chair. People eat shit off the floor when it's been on the ground for 5 seconds. Hence the five second rule.

This obviously has pissed me off to no extent. This, added on to my roomate problem and my Sean having to leave early from his visitation (stupid stupid mother) has made me very irritable. And people just DON'T understand that I want alone time.

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