Put Your Feet Up

OrganicLobster (2003-07-17)

Moses says: The greatest danger could be your stupidity.

Today has been a relatively boring day. I ate too much mac and cheese. My rooms a mess and my mom still insists on bringing me to Ohio.

I have just had a thought. If you got into a fight with someone online, would you fight with them on the basis they were being immature? or would you not fight with them? Now think. If you don't fight with them and keep xing out their boxes or putting them on block, people will think you're immature. But if you fight with them people will also think your immature for fighting back. So people where are you supposed to go? Answering one word answers? Random thought that just popped up into my simple mind.

Simple. And yet copmlex. Anyone who wants thinks they can figure me out, I give them access to a my brain, a saw and a some type of poking device.

Dum dee dum. I just had a good thought, and then it went away because I got distracted by my goosebumps.

Blargh, and it was REALLY good.

OH YEA! I was going to say that people needed to speak their mind. Some of you might very well be slapping your heads and going "dum, you think?" But some people don't get it. You have to be like "Look, this bothers me." Or "Hey, we seem to have an issue, lets talk." No lying and saying "no everything is okay" when you want to grab the closet object to you and beat people over the head. Iiiii don't think that's very healthy. Besides very against the law. That doesn't mean however that you want to scream and try to bitch people out. That would not be good as well. Ever try to have a decent conversation with someone wanting to shove a sword down your throat? Not an easy thing to do. Take it from me. Actually there have been instances where I've been on the opposite end too. No doubt about it. I've been losing my edge, moving over to "furor" (woo woo Virgil)rather than being cool calm and collective. And from past experiencees no one wants to be in a fight like this with me anyway. Because I don't yell back. I just...say I don't care, say that its nice, I correct them on grammar and I correct them on spelling. Which pisses people off.

I realize that I have answered my own question from before- on how you can have an arguement with an immature person when everyone is telling you to drop it. Just give them a run for your money and be so totally annoying that they get sick of talking to you and say usually this:

Dear stupid bitch,
I hate you and you should go die. I don't care about you and I hope you rot in hell.

I usually laugh at this and say thank you, you too.

I find this a very appropriate response, and I know some of you are thinking the same thing. :) We rock and the rest of you suck.

ANOTHER THING that bothers me (I have been getting like this for the past couple days. Someone hit me over the head with a frying pan.- and for those of us who are They might be giants fans:Is he a mess? or is he depressed? Nobody knows, person man)is how people who don't care shouldn't not care. Simple as that sounds, people seem to get that confused. I do it all the time. I put people on block but I don't remove them from my buddy list. That's a sign that I'm actually letting them try to communicate with me because its easy to get a new sn.

If they want to check up on you soooo bad even though they said they didn't care, let them do it. But at least make it hard. And then when they find what they want, you always want to be sure to point out that they sought you out first.

~Organic Lobster

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