Put Your Feet Up

Wonderful cheese (2003-09-14)

Moses says: When going to hide, know how to get there.

Today was a good day and a bad day. It was bad before it was good.

I cleaned up the common room, but we still have stupid plants that shouldn't be there as well as a fish tank that is now taking up space. Hopefully it will go home when its owner goes home. And I'm also hoping that the plants are going to go home too. Though the hanging one isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

At 1 I remembered that Sean was supposed to come today, so I began to get ready, putting a mud mask on and stuff. It was nice and fun. Until it was 4 and I still hadn't heard from Sean. I began to become upset. I wasn't sorry for myself, but I was angry that his parents would not let him come see me. I got angrier and sadder as 5 o'clock approached, thinking he wouldn't show up. I began to wonder why his parents did hate me and how on earth they would react if Sean finally came clean about our relationship.

4:50 came and I got a knock on the door, but I wasn't paying too much attention to who it might be because I was now completely wallowing in the "whys" and "hows" of my relationship with Sean. And I thought with my luck it won't even be for me. How stupid I was to think that Sean wouldn't come. So there he was standing at my door (all my suitemates had gone to Rochester) and I couldn't think. All I could do was cry. Because I'm a moron.

I wish he didn't have to leave. Especially at 8:30. I wasn't so much upset by the fact that he had to leave...I was upset because I might not see him until I get my car. Which is not until October 13-14.

I'm really pissed off about that. Am I being unreasonable when I say that his parents are dicks?

I've decided to go to a counselor on Monday to rant and cry about my relationship with Sean. The funny part about this is that I'm not upset at him. Most people have problems with the other individual and communication and such. I'm having issues with his parents...and his parents aren't actively dealing with me.

Now that I sufficently devoted my diary entry on my love-sickness and stupid teenage rants...

You know what I hate about being upset? I clean. I clean and re-organize my room. Normally I'd rearrange but there isn't much you can do with bunked beds in a dorm room without your roomate helping.

I'm also washing clothes! Not like you needed to know that. But doing laundry is exciting for me. OoOoOo...LAUNDRY!!

Check out the new site I'm designing for my residence hall here. I'm proud of my work even though I can't have seperate pages. I'm going to try to create them though...its just going to take me some time. I was figuring I could just use Diaryland as extra pages for the site and use my own html coding. Hot right?

Say yes. Because I know I'm right.

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